
views 3,137,613 updated May 23 2018

eukaryote Organism whose cells have a membrane-bound nucleus, with DNA contained in chromosomes. Making up one of the three domains, eukaryotes include all animals, plants, fungus, and Protoctista. They have a complex cytoplasm with an endoplasmic reticulum, and most of them possess mitochondria. Most plants and algae also possess chloroplasts. Other structures specific to eukaryotic cells include microtubules, Golgi bodies, and membrane-bound flagella. See also Golgi body; kingdom; mitochondrion; prokaryote


views 2,787,852 updated Jun 11 2018

eukaryote An organism comprising cells that have a distinct nucleus enveloped by a double membrane, and other features including double-membraned mitochondria and 80S ribosomes in the fluid of the cytoplasm (i.e. all protists, fungi, plants, and animals). The first eukaryotes were almost certainly green algae, and what appear to be their microscopic remains appear in Precambrian sediments dating from a little less than 1500 Ma ago.


views 2,991,076 updated May 08 2018

eukaryote (adj. eukaryotic) Organism with cells that have a distinct nucleus, i.e. all protists, fungi, plants, and animals. The first eukaryotes were almost certainly green algae (Chlorophyta), and what appear to be their microscopic remains appear in Precambrian sediments dating from a little less than 1500 Ma ago. Compare PROKARYOTE.


views 1,700,480 updated May 14 2018

eukaryote An organism whose cells have a distinct nucleus (i.e. all protists, fungi, plants, and animals). The first eukaryotes were almost certainly green algae (Chlorophyceae) and what appear to be their microscopic remains occur in Precambrian sediments dating from a little less than 1500 Ma ago.


views 3,295,912 updated May 21 2018

eukaryote An organism whose cells have a distinct nucleus enveloped by a double membrane, and other features including double-membraned mitochondria and 80S ribosomes in the fluid of the cytoplasm (i.e. all protists, fungi, plants, and animals). The first eukaryotes were almost certainly green algae (Chlorophyceae) and what appear to be their microscopic remains appear in Proterozoic sediments dating from a little less than 1500 Ma ago.


views 3,909,023 updated May 18 2018

eukaryote (eucaryote) An organism consisting of cells in which the genetic material is contained within a distinct nucleus. All organisms except bacteria are eukaryotes. See Eukarya. Compare prokaryote.

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