galactose A six‐carbon sugar (a monosaccharide) differing from glucose only in position of the hydroxyl group on carbon‐4. It is about one‐third as sweet as sucrose. The main dietary source is the disaccharide lactose in milk, and it is important in formation of the galactolipids (cerebrosides) of nerve tissue. See also galactosaemia.
galactose A simple sugar, C6H12O6, stereoisomeric with glucose, that occurs naturally as one of the products of the enzymic digestion of milk sugar (lactose) and as a constituent of gum arabic.
galactose An aldohexose monosaccharide that is not normally found naturally in the free form, but more usually is found as a unit in a larger molecule (e.g. a di- or polysaccharide).
galactose An aldohexose monosaccharide that is not normally found naturally in the free form, but usually as a unit in a larger molecule, e.g. a di- or polysaccharide.