
views updated Jun 11 2018

gul·ly / ˈgəlē/ (also gul·ley) • n. (pl. -lies) a water-worn ravine. ∎  a deep artificial channel serving as a gutter or drain.• v. [tr.] [usu. as adj.] (gullied) erode gullies into (land) by water action: he began to pick his way over the gullied landscape.


views updated Jun 27 2018

gully A feature of surface erosion that develops from the run-off of a violent torrent that bites deeply into topsoil and soft sediments. Gullies can develop on valley sides as valley-side gullies and also along valley floors as arroyos. See also rill-wash.


views updated May 08 2018

gully A feature of rain erosion that develops from the run-off of a violent torrent that bites deeply into topsoil and soft sediments. Gullies can develop on valley sides as valley-side gullies, and also along valley floors as arroyos. See also RILL-WASH.


views updated May 18 2018

gully †gullet XVI; channel or ravine worn by water XVII; deep gutter XVIII. — F. goulet neck of a bottle, outlet, narrow passage of water; see prec.

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