
views updated May 11 2018

hail1 / hāl/ • n. pellets of frozen rain that fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds. ∎  [in sing.] a large number of things hurled forcefully through the air, esp. with intent to harm: a hail of bullets.• v. [intr.] (it hails, it is hailing, etc.) hail falls: it hailed so hard we had to stop.hail2 • v. 1. [tr.] call out to (someone) to attract attention: the crew hailed a fishing boat. ∎  signal (an approaching taxicab) to stop: she raised her hand to hail a cab. 2. [tr.] (often be hailed) acclaim enthusiastically as being a specified thing: he has been hailed as the new James Dean. 3. [intr.] (hail from) have one's home or origins in (a place): he hails from Pittsburgh.• interj. archaic expressing greeting or acclaim: hail, Caesar!• n. a shout or call used to attract attention.PHRASES: within hail (or within hailing distance) at a distance within which someone may be called to; within earshot.DERIVATIVES: hail·er n.


views updated May 18 2018

hail A form of precipitation consisting of ice in the shape of balls or irregular particles (hailstones), whose concentric structure indicates a growth by coalescence and freezing of supercooled water drops. Hail is usually associated with cumulonimbus cloud.


views updated May 14 2018

Ha'il / hīl/ (also Hail, Hayel) a city in northwestern Saudi Arabia, on the pilgrimage route from Iraq to Mecca; pop. 177,000.


views updated May 08 2018

hail Form of precipitation comprising ice in the shape of balls or irregular particles (hailstones), whose concentric structure indicates a growth by coalescence and freezing of supercooled water drops. Hail is usually associated with cumulonimbus cloud.


views updated May 21 2018

hail Precipitation from cumulonimbus clouds in the form of balls of ice. Hailstorms are associated with atmospheric turbulence combined with warm, moist air nearer the ground.


views updated May 11 2018

hail2 excl. of salutation. XII. ellipt. use of †hail adj. (cf. WASSAIL) — ON. heill WHOLE.
Hence hail vb. XII.


views updated May 09 2018

Hail ★★ Hail to the Chief; Washington, B.C 1973 (PG)

A biting satire of what-might-have-been if certain key cabinet members had their way. 85m/C VHS . Richard B. Shull, Dick O'Neill, Phil Foster, Joseph Sirola, Dan Resin, Willard Waterman, Gary Sandy; D: Fred Levinson.


views updated May 18 2018

hail1 frozen vapour falling in pellets. OE. hæġl, corr. to OS., OHG. hagal (Du., G. hagel), ON. hagl :- Gmc. *haʒ(a)laz, -am, rel. to Gr. kákhlēx pebble.
Hence hail vb. XV.


views updated May 14 2018


a storm or shower of anything similar to hail. See also fusillade.

Examples: hail of bullets; of farewells; of iron globes, 1667; of ice; of peas, 1728; of round shot, 1893; of shots.

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