
views updated May 11 2018

Hengelo(Hoboken) A Middle Devensianinterstadial dating from about 40 000 years bp, when estimated July temperatures in the Netherlands were about 10°C. Together with the Moershoofd and Denekamp interstadials, the Hengelo is equivalent to the Upton Warren interstadial of the British Isles.


views updated May 08 2018

Hengelo (Hoboken) A Middle Devensian interstadial dating from about 40 000 years BP, when estimated July temperatures in the Netherlands were about 10°C. Together with the Moershoofd and Denekamp interstadials, the Hengelo is equivalent to the Upton Warren Interstadial of the British Isles.


views updated May 08 2018

Hoboken See HENGELO.

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