1. The condition that exists when foreign grafts or blood transfusions evoke a marked immune response and are rejected.
2. The phenomenon in which pollen from one flower fails to fertilize other flowers on the same plant (self-incompatibility) or on other genetically similar plants. This genetically determined mechanism prevents self-fertilization (breeding between likes) and promotes cross-fertilization (breeding between individuals with different genetic compositions). See also fertilization; pollination.
incompatibility The relationship between patterns of behaviour that cannot be performed simultaneously because they are contradictory, because they require the simultaneous operation of reflexes that are mutually inhibitory, or because they are based on contradictory motivation.
incompatibility The relationship between patterns of behaviour that cannot be performed simultaneously because they are contradictory, because they require the simultaneous operation of reflexes that are mutually inhibitory, or because they are based on contradictory motivation.
incompatibility (in-kŏm-pat-i-bil-iti) n. lack of compatibility. In cases of severe incompatibility, there are likely to be swift immune reactions to transplanted organs or tissues.