mesothermal climate

views updated May 21 2018

mesothermal climate A climatic type with moderate temperatures, known most commonly in Europe (e.g. in the Köppen classification) as a warm-temperate rainy climate having a coldest month with temperatures of −3°C to +18°C and a warmest month above +10°C. Such climates are found typically in latitudes 30–45°C. The Thornthwaite classification defines this type according to evapotranspiration and moisture budget.

mesothermal climate

views updated May 08 2018

mesothermal climate Climatic type with moderate temperatures, known most commonly in Europe, e.g. in the Köppen classification, as a warm-temperate rainy climate having a coldest month with temperatures of −3 °C to +18°C and a warmest month above +10°C. Such climates are found typically in latitudes 30–45°. The Thornthwaite classification defines this type according to evapotranspiration and moisture budget.

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