phototaxis A change in direction of locomotion in a motile organism or cell that is made in response to a change in light intensity. The response is related to the direction of the light source. Compare PHOTOKINESIS.
phototaxis A change in direction of locomotion in a motile organism or cell which is made in response to a change in light intensity. The response is related to the direction of the light source. Compare photokinesis.
phototaxis The movement of a cell (e.g. a gamete) or a unicellular organism in response to light. For example, certain algae (e.g. Chlamydomonas) can perceive light by means of a sensitive eyespot and move to regions of higher light concentration to enhance photosynthesis. See taxis.
phototaxis A change in direction of locomotion in a motile organism or cell made in response to a change in light intensity.