pin·na / ˈpinə/ • n. (pl. pin·nae / ˈpinē/ ) 1. Anat. & Zool. the external part of the ear in humans and other mammals; the auricle.2. Bot. a primary division of a pinnate leaf, esp. of a fern.3. Zool. any of a number of animal structures resembling fins or wings.
pinna (auricle) The visible part of the outer ear, present in some mammals. It is made of cartilage and its function is to channel sound waves into the external auditory meatus. In some species the pinna is movable and aids in detecting the direction from which a sound originates.
1. In Mammalia, an extension of the external ear to form a trumpet-like structure, often mobile, supported by cartilage.
2. Fin, or fin-like limb.
pinna Flap of skin and cartilage that comprises the visible, external part of the ear. It helps to collect sound waves and direct them into the ear canal.
pinna (auricle) (pin-ă) n. the flap of skin and cartilage that projects from the head at the exterior opening of the external auditory meatus of the ear.