
views updated Jun 08 2018

ru·der·al / ˈroōdərəl/ Bot. • adj. (of a plant) growing on waste ground or among refuse.• n. a plant growing on waste ground or among refuse.


views updated May 21 2018

ruderal Describing a plant species that is characteristic of land with a high level of disturbance (e.g. resulting from environmental disaster or human activity) but rich in resources (water, nutrients, etc.). Such species tend to quickly colonize bare patches and reproduce rapidly, but are poor competitors against more robust species. Compare fugitive species.


views updated May 17 2018

1. (noun) A plant that is associated with human dwellings or agriculture, or one that colonizes waste ground. Ruderals are often weeds which have high demands for nutrients and/or are intolerant of competition
2. (adj.) Applied to such a plant.


views updated May 14 2018

ruderal (noun and adj.) A plant, or applied to a plant that is associated with human dwellings or agriculture, or that colonizes waste ground. Ruderals are often weeds which have high demands for nutrients and/or are intolerant of competition.

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