sand volcano

views updated May 08 2018

sand volcano A conical body of sand, resembling the form of a small volcano, rarely more than a few metres wide and less than 50 cm high. Internally the sand volcano consists of a massive central plug, surrounded by laminated sand paralleling the external form. Sand volcanoes are formed by the extrusion of liquefied sand through a local vent at the surface. The extrusion usually results from a highly liquefied sand below a confining surface layer.

sand volcano

views updated May 23 2018

sand volcano A conical body of sand, resembling a small volcano, which is rarely more than a few metres wide and less than 50 cm high. Internally the sand volcano consists of a massive central plug, surrounded by laminated sand paralleling the external form. Sand volcanoes are formed by the extrusion of highly liquefied sand through a local vent in a confining layer at the surface.

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