secondary succession

views updated May 18 2018

secondary succession A succession initiated by the disruption of a previously existing seral or climax community by some major environmental disturbance and leading to a marked change in the stable vegetation community. Secondary successions occur, for example, following fire, after removal of grazing pressure, when previously cultivated areas are abandoned (as in shifting cultivation), or when a forest has been cleared (see secondary forest). Interactions between plants and the physical environment tend to be less clear in secondary than in primary successions.

secondary succession

views updated May 21 2018

secondary succession Succession initiated by the disruption of a previously existing seral or climax community by some major environmental disturbance and leading to a marked change in the stable vegetation community. Secondary successions occur, for example following fire, after removal of grazing pressure, or when previously cultivated areas are abandoned (as in shifting cultivation). Interactions between plants and the physical environment tend to be less clear in secondary than in primary successions.

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