Named in the grimoire of Honorius as a powerful demon and monarch of the western parts of the infernal regions. To him the following invocation is addressed:
" O King Bayemon, most mighty, who reigneth towards the western parts, I call upon thee and invoke thy name in the name of the Divinity. I command thee in the name of the Most High to present thyself before this circle, thee and the other spirits who are thy subjects, in the name of Passiel and Rosus, for the purpose of replying to all that which I demand of thee. If thou dost not come I will torment thee with a sword of heavenly fire. I will augment thy pains and burn thee. Obey, O King Bayemon. "
Although ascribed to Pope Honorius III and supported by what is claimed as a papal bull authorizing ordained priests to invoke spirits and control demons, this grimoire is denounced by Roman Catholic writers as a forgery. The grimoire became popular among seventeenth-century occult magicians.