Chapter 10: Making the Connection

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Making the Connection


The unexpected or sudden appearance of something strange, such as a ghost. From the Latin apparitus, past participle of apparere, meaning to appear.

astral self

Theosophical belief that humans possess a second body that cannot be perceived with normal senses, yet it coexists with the human body and survives death.

automatic writing

Writing that occurs in an unconscious state or when one is in a trance or supposed telepathic contact with a spirit.


The lack of a physical body. Coined from dis- and the Latin stem carn, meaning flesh.

Geiger counter

An instrument named after its inventor, German physicist Hans Geiger (18821945), that is used to measure and detect such things as particles from radioactive materials.


A false or distorted perception of events during which one vividly imagines seeing, hearing or sensing objects or other people to be present, when in fact they are not witnessed by others.


Very large, sometimes enormous stones that stand alone or are a part of architecture of prehistoric structures.

Novena of Masses

In the Roman Catholic Church, the recitation of prayers or devotions for a particular purpose, for nine consecutive days. From the Latin nus, meaning nine each and from novern, meaning nine.


Events or phenomena that are beyond the range of normal experience and not understood or explained in terms of current scientific knowledge.


Unusual or extraordinary things or occurrences that are experienced or perceived. From Latin via the Greek word phainomenon, meaning that which appears. Past participle of phainein, to bring to light or to shine.


Someone who is benevolent or generous in his or her desire or activities to improve the social, spiritual or material welfare of humankind. From the late Latin, ultimately, Greek philanthropos,

humane; philos; loving and anthropos, human being.


One who uses the therapeutic methods of psychiatric analysis, such as dream analysis and free association, as developed by Sigmund Freud (18561939) to treat patients in order to gain awareness of suppressed subconscious experiences or memories that might be causing psychological blocks.


The house or dwelling that a rector lives in.

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Chapter 10: Making the Connection

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