Colinon, Maurice (1922-)

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Colinon, Maurice (1922-)

Author, journalist, and lecturer in France who studied various aspects of occultism and parapsychology. Colinon was born February 16, 1922, at Chateau-Thierry (Aisne). He stud-ied at the University of Paris, and his qualifications included licencié en lettres (1943), diplòme d'études supérieures (lettres, 1943), and licencié en droit (1945). He subsequently became a journalist, lecturer, and broadcaster on French radio and television.

Colinon worked as a clairvoyant and healer. He took part in a parapsychological study group on unorthodox healing in 1954 at St. Paul de Vence. He also studied the new religious movements that were arising as a result of the occult revival of the nineteenth century and the changes wrought by the twentieth century.


Colinon, Maurice. Faux prophètes et sectes d'aujourd'hui. N.p., 1953.

. Les Guérisseurs. N.p., 1957.

. Guide de la France religieuse et mystique. Paris: Tchou, 1969.

. Le Phénomène des sectes au 20ème siècle. N.p., 1959.

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