Denis, Leon (1846-1927)
Denis, Leon (1846-1927)
The apostle of French Spiritism (the name by which Spiritualism is generally termed in France, distinguished by its acceptance of the ideas surrounding reincarnation ) on whom the mantle of Allan Kardec fell. He claimed to have been directly inspired by the spirit of Kardec in his activity as a tireless propagandist, teacher, and author of important and popular books. Another influence was a spirit, "Jerome of Prague," that communicated through typtology beginning in 1892 and addressed Denis as "my son."
Baumard, Claire. Leon Denis intime. N.p., n.d.
Denis, Leon. d'Apres la Mort. N.p., n.d.
——. Dans l'Invisible (Spiritisme et Mediumnité). N.p., n.d.
——. Genie Celtique, et le Monde Invisible. N.p., n.d.
——. Jeanne d'Arc Medium: L'Au-delà et la Survivance de l'Etré, La Grande Énigme. Translated as The Mystery of Joan of Arc. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1925.
Luce, Gaston. Leon Denis l'apotre du spiritisme, sa vie, son oeuvre. N.p., n.d.
Le Probleme de l'Etre et de la Destinée: Christianisme et Spiritisme. Translated as Christianity & Spiritualism. London,, [1904].