Denis, Leon (1846-1927)

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Denis, Leon (1846-1927)

The apostle of French Spiritism (the name by which Spiritualism is generally termed in France, distinguished by its acceptance of the ideas surrounding reincarnation ) on whom the mantle of Allan Kardec fell. He claimed to have been directly inspired by the spirit of Kardec in his activity as a tireless propagandist, teacher, and author of important and popular books. Another influence was a spirit, "Jerome of Prague," that communicated through typtology beginning in 1892 and addressed Denis as "my son."


Baumard, Claire. Leon Denis intime. N.p., n.d.

Denis, Leon. d'Apres la Mort. N.p., n.d.

. Dans l'Invisible (Spiritisme et Mediumnité). N.p., n.d.

. Genie Celtique, et le Monde Invisible. N.p., n.d.

. Jeanne d'Arc Medium: L'Au-delà et la Survivance de l'Etré, La Grande Énigme. Translated as The Mystery of Joan of Arc. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1925.

Luce, Gaston. Leon Denis l'apotre du spiritisme, sa vie, son oeuvre. N.p., n.d.

Le Probleme de l'Etre et de la Destinée: Christianisme et Spiritisme. Translated as Christianity & Spiritualism. London,, [1904].

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