Laboratoire Universitaire de Parapsychologie et d'Hygiene Mental
Laboratoire Universitaire de Parapsychologie et d'Hygiene Mental
The Laboratoire Universitaire de Parapsychologie et d'Hygiene Mental was founded in 1974 in Toulouse, France, by a group of University of Toulouse researchers interested in parapsychology. Psychical research had flourished in France for a century prior to World War II (1939-45), but it had slowed in the 1930s and completely died out during the years of the German occupation. During the last half of the twentieth century, it has been slow to revive, but the center at Toulouse has emerged as the most vital in the nation.
The laboratory conducted a program of laboratory experiments including card guessing experiments, psychokinetic tests, and field research in such diverse subjects as ghost hauntings and dowsing. The experimental work was complemented with an educational program that includes public lectures, workshops, and an annual conference. It was the organization's hope that sharing parapsychological data could lead the public to replace irrational opinions on the occult with scientific knowledge of the paranormal.
In 1987 the laboratory created the Organisation pour la Recherche en Psychotronique as an independent agency to promote parapsychological research in France and other French-speaking countries. The laboratory was directed by Yves Lignon. Last known address: c/o IUER Mathématics, Université Toulouse-Le-Mirail 31058, Toulouse CEDEX, France.