Lanz von Liebenfels, Jörg (1874-1954)
Lanz von Liebenfels, Jörg (1874-1954)
Austrian astrologer and member of the occult underground preceding the Nazi movement. His Order of New Templars only admitted members who had satisfied his racist concepts of Nordic purity. He also founded the Ariosophical Movement, another occult and anti-Semitic organization.
Born in Vienna July 19, 1874, as Adolf Lanz, he claimed to be the son of Baron Johannes Lancz de Liebenfels. He circulated an incorrect birthdate to mislead other astrologers. He became a novice at a Cistercian monastery but was expelled for improper behavior. Soon afterward he founded his Order of New Templars, which claimed divine support for Hilter's race theories and the supremacy of a master race. Lanz advocated special breeding colonies, or stud farms, for the master race, as well as the elimination of lesser breeds.
The order used the swastika symbol before it was officially adopted by the Nazi party, and Hitler met Lanz as early as 1909, when he collected some issues of Lanz's journal Ostara. Lanz prophesied the success of Hilter as a world figure but failed to find favor with the Nazis after their 1938 invasion of Austria. His ideas were certainly used by the Nazis, but Hitler may have been reluctant to admit their origin. Lanz died April 22, 1954.
Daim, W. Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab (The man who gave Hitler the ideas). München: Isar Verlag, 1958.
Sklar, Dusty. Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977.
Webb, Janes. The Occult Establishment. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1976.