New Wiccan Church
New Wiccan Church
The New Wiccan Church, originally the New Celtic Church, was founded in the early 1970s to practice Witchcraft in the British tradition. Membership is restricted to adult witches who have been initiated in the Gardnerian tradition or one of the several variations of the Gardnerian practice, the most well known being the Alexanderian. Gerald B. Gardner, generally considered the father of modern Wicca, established a new form of Witchcraft in England in the 1950s. He instituted three degrees of accomplishment, the third being admittance into the priesthood.
In the statement of belief, called the "Dedication," the New Wiccans identify themselves with a form of traditional monotheism by affirming belief in Dyghtyn, the name they give to the ultimate godhead. They follow modern Wicca, however, by noting that the godhead, who is all knowing and all pervasive, differentiates itself into male and female as the "Lady of the moon" and the "Lord of Death and Resurrection." The Lord and Lady further differentiate themselves into a myriad of lesser deities that have been recognized throughout human history in the various world mythologies. Members are free to acknowledge these lesser deities in their rites as they see fit, save only that such practice does not lead to harm to people or animals. In addition to the "Dedication," the church circulates the statement issued in 1974 by the now-defunct Council of American Witches whose "Principles of Wiccan Belief" has become a popular statement defining the community.
The actual rites used in the church are secret, but the published Gardnerian rituals provide a close approximation of typical practice. There is a degree of variation from coven (small worshipping group) to coven. Traditionally, Gardnerians worship in the nude, but many New Wiccan coven dress for rituals.
There are annual dues for members and each coven may ask for an additional fee to cover the small costs involved in running the coven. However, no fees may be charged for initiating anyone into the craft or for the performance of an act of magic. Church members are very active in the larger Wiccan community, especially with the covens of the Covenant of the Goddess. Most New Wiccan covens are found in the Western United States. Headquarters are at Box 162046, Sacramento, CA 95816. Information about the group can be found in its periodical, Red Garters, and on its website,
Adler, Margot. Drawing Down the Moon. Boston: Beacon Press, 1997.