René-Louis Baire
René-Louis Baire
Baire was born in Paris, France, in 1874 and is best known for his work on the theory of functions and the concept of a limit. When preparing himself for a doctorate in mathematics, he was fortunate to study under the famous Italian mathematician Vito Volterra, who was dismissed from his chair in Rome for refusing to pledge allegiance to the Fascist government. Volterra guided Baire during his postgraduate studies. Baire had a very short academic career because of poor health, but was appointed to the University of Montpellier and to Dijon for a few years. However, he was able to produce two important analysis books before retiring: Théorie des numbres irrationels, des limites et de la continuité (1905) and Leçons sur les théories générales de l'analyse (1907-1908). Baire died in Chambery, France, in 1932.