University of London Council for Psychical Investigation

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University of London Council for Psychical Investigation

A reorganization of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, which had been founded by psychical researcher Harry Price in 1926. The National Laboratory passed under the direction of the University of London Council on June 6,1934. At that date the organization was still at the National Laboratory address, but by the end of 1936 the large library assembled by Price was moved to University College, London.

Later the National Laboratory's séance room and laboratory equipment were transferred to the administrative offices of the University Council, but all experimentation ceased with the outbreak of World War II. After the death of Harry Price in 1948, the library was bequeathed to the University of London.

A short-title catalogue of the library was issued as volume 1, number 2 of the Proceedings of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, and a supplement was issued as the first bulletin of the University of London Council for Psychical Investigation. A second publication was issued by the University of London Council as Bulletin II, A Report on Two Experimental Fire-Walks; Bulletin III, Preliminary Studies of a Vaudeville Telepathist.

Last known address: University of London, Senate House, Male St., London.

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