Dark Horse

views 2,366,799 updated May 17 2018


DARK HORSE, a compromise candidate selected as party nominee when a deadlock arises among leading candidates. The candidate is usually substantially colorless with respect to current issues, unidentified with party factions, and unobjectionable in his public and private life. In 1844, James K. Polk became the first dark horse presidential candidate when Martin Van Buren, the expected Democratic choice, rendered himself unpopular to many in his party by arguing against the immediate annexation of Texas. In 1852, Franklin Pierce followed in the dark horse tradition. Other more recent examples of dark horses include James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, and Warren G. Harding.


Doenecke, Justus D. The Presidencies of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur. Lawrence: Regents Press of Kansas, 1981.

Gara, Larry. The Presidency of Franklin Pierce. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1991.

Haynes, Sam W. James K. Polk and the Expansionist Impulse. New York: Longman, 1997.

W. B.Hatcher/a. e.

See alsoElections, Presidential ; Political Parties ; President, U.S.

dark horse

views 2,705,056 updated May 17 2018

dark horse • n. 1. a person about whom little is known, esp. someone whose abilities and potential for success are concealed: [as adj.] a dark-horse candidate. 2. a competitor or candidate who has little chance of winning, or who wins against expectations.

Dark Horse

views 2,207,339 updated Jun 27 2018

Dark Horse ★★½ 1992 (PG)

Meyers is a young woman distraught over the death of her mother. She gets into trouble and is assigned to do community service work at a horse farm where she finds herself caring for a prize-winning horse. 98m/C VHS . Ari Meyers, Mimi Rogers, Ed Begley Jr., Donovan Leitch, Samantha Eggar; D: David Hemmings.

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