Christine de Pizan: Principal Works
Les cent balades [One Hundred Ballads] (poetry) 1399?
* L'Epistre au dieu d'amours [The Letter of Cupid; translated by Thomas Hoccleve, 1721] (poetry) 1399
Le débat de deux amants [The Debate of Two Lovers] (poetry) c. 1400
L'epistre d'Othea [The Epistle of Othea to Hector] (poetry) c. 1400
Le livre de trois jugemens [The Book of Three Judgments] (poetry) 1402
Le livre de la mutacion de Fortune [The Book of the Mutation of Fortune] (allegory) 1400-1403
Le livre du chemin de long estude [The Book of the Long Road of Learning] (allegory) 1402-1403
Dit de la pastoure [Tale of the Shepherdess] (poetry) 1403
Le livre du duc des vrais amans [The Book of the Duke of True Lovers] (poetry) 1403-05
Le livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles V [The Book of the Wise Deeds and Good Conduct of the Wise King Charles V] (biography) 1404
Le livre de la cité des dames [The Book of the City of Ladies; translated by Earl Jeffrey Richards, 1982] (allegory) 1404-05
L'avision-Christine [Christine's Vision; translated by Glenda K. McLeod, 1993] (allegory) 1405
Epistre a Isabeau de Bavière, Reine de France [An Epistle to the Queen of France] (letter) 1405
† Le livre des trois vertus [The Book of the Three Virtues] (allegory) 1405
Le livre du corps de policie [The Body of Polycy; also translated as The Book of the Body Politic; translated by Kate Langdon Forhan, 1994] (prose) 1406-07
Le livre des faits d'armes et de chevalerie [The Book of the Fayttes of Armes and Chyualrye; translated by William Caxton, 1489] (prose) 1410
Le livre de la paix [The Book of Peace] (prose) 1412-13
Epistre de la prison de vie humaine [The Epistle of the Prison of Human Life; translated by Josette A. Wisman, 1984] (poetry) 1415-18
Les heures de contemplation sur la passion de nostre Seigneur [The Hours of Contemplation on the Passion of Our Lord] (poetry) 1425
Le ditié de Jehanne d'Arc [The Tale of Joan of Arc] (poetry) 1429
Oeuvres poétiques de Christine de Pisan [Poetic Works of Christine de Pizan] (poetry) 1886-96
The Writings of Christine de Pizan [edited by Charity Cannon Willard] (poetry, prose, allegory, and biography) 1994
The Selected Writings of Christine de Pizan [edited by Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski] (poetry and prose) 1997
* Hoccleve's edition is a reorganized expansion, but not a literal translation, of L'epistre au dieu d'amours.
† Often referred to as Le tresor de la cité des dames (The Treasure of the City of Ladies).