Bailey, Elizabeth (1938–)

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Bailey, Elizabeth (1938–)

American economist. Born Nov 26, 1938, in New York, NY; Radcliffe College, BA (magna cum laude), 1960; Stevens Institute of Technology, MS, 1966; Princeton University, PhD, 1972.

Was an associate professor of economics at New York University (1973–77); was the 1st woman on Civil Aeronautics Board, filling an unexpired term, then served a full term (1977–83); was named dean of Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie Mellon University, the 1st woman to hold such a position at a major graduate business school; served as head of economics research department at Bell Labs and was on board of Honeywell, Philip Morris, CSX Corporation and Natwest Bancorp; was a founding member of Harbor School for Learning Disabilities.

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