Beinhorn, Elly (1907–)

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Beinhorn, Elly (1907–)

German aviator and author. Name variations: Elly Beinhorn-Rosemeyer. Born Elly Beinhorn, May 30, 1907, in Hanover, Germany; m. Bernd Rosemeyer (racing driver), 1936 (died in racing accident, 1938).

Known as "Germany's Amelia Earhart," was one of the few women in Nazi Germany to have a widely reported career; made a number of dramatic flights, including one to Africa from Berlin to Timbuktoo (1931), a Round-the-World Flight (1931–32), for which she was awarded the Hindenburg Cup, a Round-Africa Flight (1933), and a Western Hemisphere Flight (1934–35); as a prolific author, published a number of articles and books, including 180 Studen über Afrika (1933), Flying Girl (trans. by Winifred Ray, Holt, 1935), Grünspecht wird ein Flieger: Werdegang eines Flugschülers (1935), Mein Mann, der Rennfahrer: Der Lebensweg Bernd Rosemeyers (1938), 180 Studen über Afrika: Mein Flug zu den Deutschen in unseren ehemaligen Kolonien (1937), Berlin—Kapstadt—Berlin: Meine 28,000-km-Flug nach Afrika (1939), Ich fliege um die Welt (1952) and So waren diese Flieger (1966).

See also Women in World History.

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