Bennett, Isobel (b. 1909)

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Bennett, Isobel (b. 1909)

Australian marine biologist. Born July 9, 1909, in Brisbane, Australia.

Worked in variety of capacities, including research assistant for zoology professor William J. Dakin at University of Sydney (1933–48); was crew member on the university's research ship Thistle; did field work on Victorian and Tasmanian coasts (1950s); became expert in marine biology, specializing in ecology of intertidal area; was 1 of the 1st 4 women scientists from Australia to visit Antarctica, where she studied intertidal shore life (1957); made 1st visit to Macquarie Island with ANARE relief ship (1959), followed by 3 additional visits (1960, 1965, 1968); served as dean of women on the Te Vega, Stanford University research ship (1963); was delegate to 11th Pacific Congress (Tokyo, 1966); retired from university (1971); surveyed coastal rock platforms at Jervis Bay and Ulladulla (1973, 1974, 1977); performed fieldwork on Lord Howe Island (1974), Norfolk Island (1980) and Flinders Island (1981); continued visits to Heron Island until 1995; wrote 9 books, some of which became popular textbooks. Received Mueller Medal from Australia and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (1982), Order of Australia (1984), and Ruth Readford Award for Lifetime Achievement (2000).

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Bennett, Isobel (b. 1909)

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    Bennett, Isobel (b. 1909)