De Alonso, Carmen (1909–)

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De Alonso, Carmen (1909–)

Chilean novelist and short-story writer. Name variations: (pseudonym) Margarita Carrasco. Born Carmen de Alonso in Chile in 1909.

Writes about her homeland of Chile in a slightly revised criollismo style; though a true criollista's work would bear and perpetuate the perspective only of its characters, offers a slightly more rounded view; unlike many of her Latin American peers, work is based in realism with a strong narrative flow and story line; writings include Provena (1935), Gleba (Clod, 1936), Anclas en la cuidad (Anchors in the City, 1941), Y había luz de estrellas (And Then There Was Starlight, 1950), Medallones de luna (Moon Medallions, 1956), and La Cita (The City, 1962).

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