Marothysoltesova, Elena (1855–1939)

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Marothysoltesova, Elena (1855–1939)

Czechoslovakian novelist and literary critic. Name variations: Elena MaróthySoltesová; Elena Soltesova; Elena MarothySoltes. Born Elena Maróthy, Jan 6, 1855, in Krupina, Slovakia; died Feb 11, 1939, in Martin, Slovakia; dau. ofDaniel Maróthy (1825–1878, romantic poet).

Pioneered Slovak women's movement and was influenced by Slovak national movement; served as chair of women's society Živena, and worked for involvement of women in reform movements; wrote novels Proti prúdu (1894) and Moje deti (1923–24); also wrote short stories, essays, reviews, and the memoir 70 rokov života (70 Years of Life, 1925); edited magazine Živena (1910–22) and was the 1st female Slovak literary critic.

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