Prunskiene, Kazimiera (1943–)

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Prunskiene, Kazimiera (1943–)

Lithuanian political leader. Name variations: Kazimiera Danutë Prunskienë. Born Kazimiera Danute Stankeviciute in Vasiuliskiai, Lithuania, Feb 26, 1943; dau. of Pranas Stankevicius (killed during WWII); University of Vilnius, degree in economics, 1965; m. 2nd husband Algimantis Tarvidas; children: daughters, Dayvita and Raisa; son, Vaidotos.

With the onset of perestroika advocated by Gorbachev, became one of the founding members of Sajudis (1988), the grass-roots Lithuanian movement that hoped to turn his ideas into reality within the republic; became deputy chair for economic affairs in Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (1989), as well as being elected to Supreme Soviet of USSR; served as the 1st prime minister of the self-proclaimed independent Republic of Lithuania (Mar 1990–Jan 1991) during a time of turbulence; went on to found the Lithuanian-European Institute; was elected leader of Lithuanian Women's Party (1995); published 15 books.

See also Women in World History.

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