Ritter, Erika (1948–)

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Ritter, Erika (1948–)

Canadian writer and comedian. Born 1948 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; McGill University, BA, 1968; University of Toronto, Drama Center, MA, 1970.

Taught at Loyola College (1970–73), then embarked on writing career; had great success with autobiographical play Automatic Pilot (1980), about a female stand-up comic; published 2 collections of humor, Urban Scrawl (1984) and Ritter in Residence (1987), as well as 2 novels, The Hidden Life of Humans (1997) and The Great Big Book of Guys (2004); hosted regular weekday radio show "The Arts Report" on CBC. Won ACTRA Award for Best Radio Drama (1981) and for Best Host (1986).

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