Sata, Ineko (1904–1998)

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Sata, Ineko (1904–1998)

Japanese novelist. Name variations: Sata Ine. Born 1904 in Nagasaki, Japan; died Oct 12, 1998, in Tokyo, Japan; m. 2nd husband Kubokawa Inejiro (div. 1945); children: (1st m.) daughter.

Published A Factory for Candy (1928) and A Restaurant Called Rakuyo (1928); joined Union for Japanese Proletarian Literature and edited Working Women; joined Communist Party (1932), but was later expelled (1951), because she opposed its meddling in literature; after 2 failed marriages, became president of women's liberation organization, Fujin Minshu Club (1970); other writings, often autobiographical, include Crimson, A Girl with Naked Feet, My Map of Tokyo, A Tree's Shadow, and Standing Still in Time, which won the Kawabata Yasunari Prize.

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