Trewavas, Ethelwynn (1900–1992)

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Trewavas, Ethelwynn (1900–1992)

Freshwater biologist and ichthyologist. Born Nov 5, 1900, Penzance, Cornwall, England; died Aug 16, 1992; University College, Reading, BS, 1921; King's College for Women, DSc, 1934; attended Queen Elizabeth College, University of London.

International freshwater fish expert and the 1st woman deputy keeper of zoology at the British Museum of Natural History, 1st worked at King's College of Household and Social Science (1925–28); at British Museum, was research assistant for Tate Regan (1928–35), then assistant freshwater fish keeper (1935–37), permanent keeper (1937–46), principal scientific officer (1946–58) and deputy keeper in zoology (1958–61); compiled fish section of the zoological record; traveled to Africa several times for fish-searching expeditions; studied deep-sea fishes and cichlid fishes from Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika; elected fellow of Linnean Society (1991).

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