Klega, Miroslav

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Klega, Miroslav

Klega, Miroslav, Slovak composer; b. Ostrava, March 6, 1929. He studied composition with Křríičcka at the Prague Cons. (1942–44) and with Suchońn and Cikker at the Bratislava Cons. (1946–50). He taught at the Ostrava Cons. (1955–73) and was its director (1967–73). He then worked with the Czech Radio there.


Suite Bagatelle for Piano (1948); ČCerna zemë (Black Soil), symphonic variations (1951); Sym. (1959); Concertino for 4 String Instruments (1961); Pantomima, suite for Orch. (1963); Concerto-Partita for Violin and Orch. (1965); Výpovëd’ osamëlého pëšâka (The Confession of a Lone Pedestrian) for Narrator and Orch. (1968); Příbëhyζzazraky, sym.-ballet (1981).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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