Ḥaviv-Lubman, Avraham Dov

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ḤAVIV-LUBMAN, AVRAHAM DOV (1864–1951), pioneer of Jewish settlement in Ereẓ Israel. Born on a Jewish agricultural settlement, Graitzevo, near Mogilev, Ḥaviv-Lubman joined the Ḥovevei Zion movement and, in 1885, moved to Ereẓ Israel. He went to live in Petaḥ Tikvah with his uncle, Mordekhai Lubman, who worked as a land surveyor for Baron Edmond de *Rothschild. He disliked the settlement's traditional way of life and moved to Rishon le-Zion, where he struggled together with others against the baron's paternalistic management of the new agricultural settlement. He was a founder of the Aguddat ha-Koremim ("The Vintners' Association"), which took over the supervision of the baron's wine cellars. For 16 years he was at intervals head of the local council of Rishon le-Zion. He wrote memoirs of his childhood and the early days of settlement in Ereẓ Israel entitled Mi-Sippurei ha-Rishonim le-Ẓiyyon (1934) and Benei Dori (1946), as well as a monograph on Rishon le-Zion (1929).


J. Ḥurgin, Dov Ḥaviv-Lubman (Heb., 1942); D.A. Yanovsky, in: Mi-Sippurei ha-Rishonim le-Ẓiyyon (1934), 3–8; D. Idelovitch, Rishon le-Ẓiyyon (1941), 419–21.

[Yehuda Slutsky]