Absalom, Roger Neil Lewis
ABSALOM, Roger Neil Lewis
ABSALOM, Roger Neil Lewis. British, b. 1929. Genres: International relations/Current affairs, Language/Linguistics, History. Career: Freelance educational consultant, 1989-. Teacher of English, English Institute of Naples, and British Council School, Milan, 1956-60; Sr. Lecturer, 1966-70, and Principal Lecturer in Italian, 1970-73, Cambridgeshire College of Arts and Technology; Sheffield Hallam University, Head of Department of Modern Languages, Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Reader in Italian Studies, 1973-89, Hon. Research Fellow in Italian History, 1989. Corresponding member, Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere "La Colombaria," 1990; Consultant, ERASMUS Bureau and Senior Consultant at EC TEMPUS Office, 1989-93; Reporting Assessor, Higher Education Funding Council for England (part-time consultant), 1994. Publications: Modern English, 1958; Italian Phrase Book, 1960; "A" Level French, 1965; "A" Level Italian, 1968; Mussolini and the Rise of Italian Fascism, 1969; Comprehension of Spoken Italian, 1978; Gli alleati e la ricostruzione in Toscana, Vol. I, 1988, Vol. II, 2000; A Strange Alliance: Aspects of Escape and Survival in Italy 1943-45, 1991; Italy: A Nation in the Balance?, 1995; Perugia Liberata, 2000. EDITOR: Passages for Translation from Italian, 1967; France, 1968; The May Events, 1970; (with S. Potesta) Advanced Italian, 1970. Address: 5 The Mill, Edale, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S33 7ZE, England. Online address: [email protected]