Allen, Dick
ALLEN, Dick. American, b. 1939. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Full-time writer. Brown University, Providence, RI, Teaching Associate, 1962-64; Wright State University, Instructor in English and Creative Writing, 1964-68; University of Bridgeport, CT, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and American Literature, 1968-72, Associate Professor, 1971-76, Director of Creative Writing, 1972-2001, Professor, 1976-2001, Dana Professor of English, 1979-2001, Charles A. Dana Professor Emeritus of English, 2001-. Publications: POETRY: Anon and Various Time Machine Poems, 1971; Regions with No Proper Names, 1975; Overnight in the Guest House of the Mystic, 1984; Flight and Pursuit, 1987; Ode to the Cold War: Poems New and Selected, 1997; The Day Before: New Poems, 2003. EDITOR/CO-EDITOR: Science Fiction: The Future, 1971, 1982; Detective Fiction: Crime and Compromise, 1974; Looking Ahead: The Vision of Science Fiction, 1975; Expansive Poetry: The New Formalism and the New Narrative, 1989. Address: 74 Fern Circle, Trumbull, CT 06611, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]