Allen, Diogenes
ALLEN, Diogenes
ALLEN, Diogenes. American, b. 1932. Genres: Philosophy, Theology/Religion. Career: Clergyman. Windham Presbyterian Church, New Hampshire, Minister, 1958-61; York University, Toronto, Dept. of Philosophy, Assistant Professor, 1964-66, Associate Professor, 1966-67; Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ, Associate Professor, 1967-74, Professor, 1974-81, Stuart Professor of Philosophy, 1981-2002, Stuart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, 2002-. Publications: (ed.) Leibniz' Theodicy, 1966; The Reasonableness of Faith, 1968; Finding Our Father, 1974, as The Path to Perfect Love, 1990; Between Two Worlds, 1977, new ed. as Temptation, 1986; Traces of God, 1981; Three Outsiders: Pascal, Kierkegaard, and Simone Weil, 1983; Mechanical Explanations and the Ultimate Origins of the Universe According to Leibniz, 1983; Philosophy for Understanding Theology, 1985; Love: Christian Romance, Marriage, Friendship, 1987; Christian Belief in a Postmodern World, 1989; Quest, 1990; The Path to Perfect Love, 1992; Primary Readings in Philosophy for Understanding Theology, 1992; (with E. Springsted) Spirit, Nature, and Community, 1994; Spiritual Theology, 1997; Steps along the Way, 2000.