American Virgin

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American Virgin ★ Live Virgin 1998 (R)

Ronny Bartoloti (Loggia) is a successful Hollywood adult film director who has upset his virginal 18-year-old daughter, Katrina (Suvari), with his double-standard attitudes. So she decides to get even by sharing her first sexual experience with millions—by going live on camera on closed-circuit—with the help of Ronny's rival Joey Quinn (Hoskins). But can daddy get his determined little darling to change her mind? Exploitative would-be satire falls flat. 87m/C VHS, DVD . Mena Suvari, Robert Loggia, Bob Hoskins, Gabriel Mann, Sally Keller-man, Bobbie Phillips, Lamont Johnson, Rick Peters, Olan Jones, Alexandra Wentworth; D: Jean Pierre Marois; W: Jean Pierre Marois, Ira Israel; C: Eagle Egilsson.

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