American Water Works Association

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American Water Works Association

Thomas R. Camp Scholarships (Graduate/Scholarship)
Holly A. Cornell Scholarships (Graduate/Scholarship)
Larson Aquatic Research Support (Graduate/Scholarship)
Abel Wolman Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

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Thomas R. Camp Scholarships (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support and encourage graduate students conducting applied research in the drinking water field. Focus: Water resources; Water supply industry. Qualif.: Applicants must be in pursuit of a graduate degree (either masters or doctoral) at an institution of higher education located in Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, Mexico or the United States. Completion of degree requirements shall be no sooner than December 1 of the application year. Criteria: Scholarship recipient will be selected based on academic record and potential to provide leadership in applied research and consulting in the drinking water field.

Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply:

Applicants must submit a completed official application form; a two-page resume that includes educational history; official transcripts of all university education; official GRE Scores (quantitative, verbal and analytical) sent directly from the GRE Testing Center, or a photocopy of the official report; three letters of recommendation (one of which must

be from the academic or research advisor); a one-page statement of educational plans and career objectives demonstrating or declaring an interest in the drinking water field; a two to three page proposed plan of research. Deadline: January 15.

Remarks: Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc., created the Thomas R. Camp Scholarship in honor of the contributions of Dr. Camp in the drinking water field. Contact: Linda Moody at the above address (see entry 1141).

Holly A. Cornell Scholarships (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To encourage and support outstanding female and/or minority masteral students in pursuit of advanced training in the field of water supply and treatment. Focus: Engineering; Water resources; Water supply industry. Qualif.: Applicants must be female and/or minority U.S. citizens, who are currently masters degree students anticipating completion of the requirements for a Masters degree in engineering no sooner than December 1 of the application year. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on academic merit and potential to provide leadership in the field of water supply and treatment.

Funds Avail.: $5,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed official application form; a two-page resume that includes educational history; official transcripts of all university education; official GRE Scores (quantitative, verbal, and analytical) sent directly from the GRE Testing Center, or a photocopy of the official report; three letters of recommendation (one of which must be from the academic or research advisor); a proposed curriculum of study; a brief (one to two pages) statement describing the student's career objectives. Deadline: January 15.

Remarks: The Holly A. Cornell Scholarship was created by CH2M Hill, Inc. in honor of their co-founder, Holly A. Cornell. Contact: Linda Moody at the above address (see entry 1141).

Larson Aquatic Research Support (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support and encourage outstanding graduate students preparing for careers in the fields of science or engineering. Focus: Biochemistry; Water resources; Water supply industry. Qualif.: Applicants must be students pursuing a masters or doctoral degree at an institution of higher education located in Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, Mexico, or the United States. Applicants should anticipate completion of their degree requirements no sooner than December 1 of the application year. Criteria: Awards are given based on academic record and candidate's potential to provide leadership in the fields served by Dr. Larson.

Funds Avail.: $5,000 for the Masters student recipient; $7,000 for the Ph.D. student recipient. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form; a two-page resume that includes educational history; official transcripts of all university education; official GRE Scores (quantitative, verbal and analytical) sent directly from the GRE Testing Center, or a photocopy of the official report; three letters of recommendation (one of which must be from the academic or research advisor); a proposed curriculum of study; a statement of educational plans and career objectives demonstrating or declaring an interest in an appropriate field of endeavor; a research plan, if applicable (required for Masters students conducting research and all Ph.D. students). Deadline: January 15. Remarks: Larson Aquatic Research Support scholarships

honor the memory of Dr. Thurston E. “Lars” Larson. Contact: Linda Moody at the above address (see entry 1141).

Abel Wolman Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support promising doctoral students in the U.S., Canada and Mexico pursuing advanced training and research in the field of water supply and treatment. Focus: Water resources; Water supply industry. Qualif.: Candidates must complete the requirements for a Ph.D. within two years of the award and have citizenship or permanent residence in Canada, Mexico or the United States. Criteria: Fellowship recipients are selected based on academic record, significance of the proposed research to water supply and treatment and the candidate's potential to do high quality research.

Funds Avail.: $15,000 stipend distributed over 12 months, plus $1,000 for research supplies and equipment and an education allowance of up to $4,000 to cover the cost of tuition and other fees. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed official application form; a two-page resume that includes educational history; official transcripts of all university education; official GRE scores sent directly from the Testing Center or a photocopy of the official report; three letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the dissertation advisor; proposed curriculum of study; a brief description of the dissertation research, including a statement describing how the research will relate specifically to water supply and treatment (two pages of text plus two pages of figures and tables). Deadline: January 15.

Remarks: Created in honor of Dr. Abel Wolman, the “Dean of Water Supply.” Contact: Linda Moody at the above address (see entry 1141).

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