The Amy Fisher Story

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The Amy Fisher Story ★★ Beyond Control 1993

Amy Fisher wishes she looked this good. Perhaps if she did, she could be acting in TV movies like Barry-more instead of providing fodder for them. The ABC account draws from a variety of sources to dramatize the relationship between Amy and her married, ahem, friend, and Amy's subsequent attack on his wife. Although it tries not to take sides, it does include some pretty hot sex scenes which could be why this docudrama garnered the highest ratings of the three network productions released on TV. See also: “Casualties of Love: The 'Long Island Lolita' Story” and “Lethal Lolita—Amy Fisher: My Story.” 93m/C VHS, DVD . Drew Barrymore, Anthony John (Tony) Denison, Harley Jane Kozak, Tom Mason, Laurie Paton, Ken Pogue, Linda Darlow, Garry Davey, Dwight McFee, Gabe Khouth, Philip Granger, Stephen Cooper; D: Andy Tennant; W: Janet Brownell; C: Glen MacPherson; M: Michael Hoenig. TV

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