Benedict, Elizabeth

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BENEDICT, Elizabeth

BENEDICT, Elizabeth. American, b. 1954. Genres: Novels, Writing/Journalism. Career: Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, San Francisco, CA, and Washington, DC, legislative advocate and publicist, 1978-82; writer. Visiting writer at Swarthmore College, 1987-89, 1991, 1996, Haverford College, 1990, 1991; Davidson College, 1992; Writers' Workshop, University of Iowa, 1993, Princeton University, 1994-98, Harvard Extension School, 2002-03. Book reviewer and freelance journalist. Commentator for National Public Radio. Publications: NOVELS: Slow Dancing, 1985; The Beginner's Book of Dreams, 1988; Safe Conduct, 1993; Almost, 2001. OTHER: The Joy of Writing Sex: A Guide for Fiction Writers, 1996, rev. ed., 2002. Address: c/o Gail Hochman, Brandt & Brandt, 1501 Broadway, New York, NY 10036, U.S.A.

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