Bugajski, Janusz

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BUGAJSKI, Janusz. American (born United Kingdom), b. 1954. Genres: International relations/Current affairs. Career: BBC-TV, London, England, consultant, 1981-83; Radio Free Europe, Munich, Germany, senior research analyst, 1984-85; Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, director of East European studies, 1986-. American University, adjunct lecturer, 1991; lecturer at Smithsonian Institution, Foreign Service Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center, and U.S. universities; consultant to International Republican Institute, International Research and Exchanges Board, Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe, and U.S. Department of Defense. Publications: Czechoslovakia: Charter 77's Decade of Dissent, 1987; (with M. Pollack) East European Fault Lines: Dissent, Opposition, and Social Activism, 1989; Sandinista Communism and Rural Nicaragua, 1990; Fourth World Conflicts: Communism and Rural Societies, 1991; Nations in Turmoil: Conflict and Cooperation in Eastern Europe, 1993, rev. ed., 1995; Ethnic Politics in Eastern Europe: A Guide to Nationality Policies, Organizations, and Parties, 1994; Political Parties of Eastern Europe: A Guide to a Decade of Political Transformation, 2002. Contributor to periodicals and encyclopedias. Address: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1800 K St NW, Washington, DC 20006, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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