Damas, David (John)

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DAMAS, David (John)

DAMAS, David (John). American, b. 1926. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, Environmental sciences/Ecology. Career: National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Arctic ethnologist, 1962-69; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, associate professor, 1969-73, professor of anthropology, 1973-90, professor emeritus, 1991-; Military service: U.S. Marine Corps, 1945-46. Publications: Igluligmiut Kinship and Local Groupings: A Structural Approach, 1963; Bountiful Island: A Study of Land Tenure on a Micronesion Atoll, 1994. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: Band Societies, 1969; Ecological Essays, 1969; Handbook of North American Indians, Volume V: The Arctic, 1984. Address: Department of Anthropology, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. W, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4L9.

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