Federman, Raymond

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FEDERMAN, Raymond. American (born France), b. 1928. Genres: Novels, Poetry, Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: Jazz saxophonist, 1947-50; University of California, Santa Barbara, 1959-64; State University of New York, Buffalo, assoc. professor of French, 1964-68, professor of French and Comparative Literature, 1968-73, professor of English and Comparative Literature, 1973-90, Melodia E. Jones Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature, 1990-. Publications: Journey to Chaos: Samuel Beckett's Early Fiction, 1965; (trans) Y. Caroutch, Temporary Landscapes, 1965; Among the Beasts (poetry), 1967; Samuel Beckett: His Work and His Critics, 1970; (ed.) Cinq Nouvelles Nouvelles, 1971; Double or Nothing, 1971; Amer Eldorado, 1974; (ed.) Surfiction: Fiction Now and Tomorrow, 1975, 1981; Take It or Leave It, 1976; Me Too (poetry), 1976; (ed. with T. Bishop) Samuel Beckett, 1976; (ed. with L. Graver) Samuel Beckett: The Critical Heritage, 1979; The Voice in the Closet, 1979; The Twofold Vibration, 1982; Smiles on Washington Square (novel), 1985; To Whom It May Concern (novel), 1990; Duel (poetry), 1990; Now Then (poetry), 1992; Critifiction (essays), 1993; The Supreme Indecision of the Writer (essays), 1995; La Fourrure de ma tante Rachel (novel), 1996; The Precipice and Other Catastrophes (plays), 1999. Address: 16576 Calle Pulido, San Diego, CA 92128-3251, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]

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Federman, Raymond

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