Fraser, George (C.)
FRASER, George (C.)
FRASER, George (C.). American, b. 1945. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry. Career: Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, unit marketing manager, 1972-84; United Way Services, Cleveland, OH, director of marketing and communications, 1984-87; Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, MI, minority dealership development program trainee, 1987-89; SuccessSource Inc., Cleveland, president and publisher, 1988-. Guest on television and radio talk shows. Publications: Success Runs in Our Race: The Complete Guide to Effective; Networking in the African American Community, 1989; The Networking Guide to Black Resources; Race for Success: The Ten Best Business Opportunities for Blacks in America, 1998. Address: Inc, 2940 Noble Rd #103, Cleveland Heights, OH 44121, U.S.A. Online address: