Hain, Peter
HAIN, Peter
HAIN, Peter. British (born Kenya), b. 1950. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Civil liberties/Human rights, Politics/Government. Career: Leader of House of Commons and Secretary of State for Labour, currently; Labour Member of Parliament for Neath, currently. Union of Communication Workers, London, England, research officer, 1976-91; Privy Councillor, Welsh Office Minister, 1991-99, Foreign Minister, 1999-2001, Energy Minister, 2001, Europe Minister, 2001-02. Labour candidate for Parliament, running for Putney, 1983, 1987. Publications: Don't Play with Apartheid: The Background to the Stop the Seventy Tour Campaign, 1971; Radical Regeneration, 1975; Mistaken Identity: The Wrong Face of the Law, 1976; (ed.) Community Politics, 1976; (ed. with others) Policing the Police, Volume I, 1979, Volume II, 1980; Neighbourhood Participation, 1980; The Democratic Alternative: A Socialist Response to Britain's Crisis, 1983; Political Trials in Britain, Allen Lane, 1984, 1985; Political Strikes, 1986; Proportional Misrepresentation, 1986; A Putney Plot?, 1987; The Peking Connection, 1995; Ayes to the Left: A Future for Socialism, 1995; Sing the Beloved Country: The Struggle for the New South Africa, 1996 Africa, 1996 Africa, 1996. Address: House of Commons, Westminster, London SW1A 0AA, England.