Hainsworth, D(avid) R(oger)

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HAINSWORTH, D(avid) R(oger)

HAINSWORTH, D(avid) R(oger). Australian (born England), b. 1931. Genres: History. Career: Mitchell Library, Sydney, Australia, research fellow, 1960-62; James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Australia, lecturer in history, 1963-65; University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, lecturer, 1965-70, senior lecturer, 1970-78, associate professor of history, 1979-. Publications: Builders and Adventurers: The Traders and the Emergence of the Colony of New South Wales, 1788-1821, 1969; The Sydney Traders, 1788-1821: Simeon Lord and His Contemporaries, 1788-1821, 1972; Stewards, Lords, and People: The Estate Steward and His World in Later Stuart England, 1992; The Swordsmen in Power 1649-1660, 1996; (with C. Churches) The Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars 1652-1674, 1998. EDITOR: Commercial Papers of Sir Christopher Lowther of Whitehaven, 1611-1643, 1974; The Correspondence of Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven, 1693-1698: A Provincial Community in Wartime, 1983; The Correspondence of Lord Fitzwilliam of Milton and Francis Guybon His Steward, 1697-1709, 1990. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to history journals. Address: Department of History, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia. Online address: [email protected]

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