Lithman, Yngve Georg
LITHMAN, Yngve Georg
LITHMAN, Yngve Georg. Swedish, b. 1943. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, Area studies. Career: University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, affiliated with department of anthropology, 1978-. Visiting fellow in anthropology, University of London, 1985; professor, University of Manitoba, 1989-90; professor, University of Bergen, Norway, 1996-. Publications: The Practise of Underdevelopment and the Theory of Development, 1983; The Community Apart: A Case Study of a Canadian Indian Reserve Community, 3rd ed, 1986; (co-author) People and Land in Northern Manitoba, 1992. EDITOR: Nybyggarna I Sverige, 1986; (with W.T. Gerholm) The New Islamic Presence in Western Europe, 1988. Address: Centre for Social Research, University of Bergen, N-5007 Bergen, Norway.