Loves of a Blonde

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Loves of a Blonde ★★★½ A Blonde in Love; Lasky Jedne Plavovlasky 1965

A shy teenage factory girl falls in love with a visiting piano player when the reservist army comes to her small town. But when she goes to visit his family, she discovers things aren't as she imagined. Touching look at the complications of love and our expectations. Czech with subtitles. 88m/B VHS, DVD . CZ Hana Brejchova, Josef Sebanek, Vladimir Pucholt, Milada Jezkova; D: Milos Forman; W: Milos Forman, Vaclav Sasek, Ivan Passer, Jaroslav Papousek; C: Miroslav Ondricek; M: Evsen Illin.

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