Milne, Lorna

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MILNE, Lorna

MILNE, Lorna. Scottish, b. 1959. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Politics/Government. Career: Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service, London, England, third political secretary in London and in East Berlin, Germany, 1983-87; University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, lecturer, 1988-91; University of Aston in Birmingham, Birmingham, England, lecturer, 1991- 95; University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland, lecturer in French, 1996-. Publications: L'Evangile Selon Michel: La Trinite Initiatique dans l'Oeuvre de Tournier, 1994; (ed. with J. Gaffney) French Presidentialism and the Election of 1995, 1997. Contributor of articles on French literature and French politics to academic journals. Address: Department of French, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9PH, Scotland. Online address: [email protected]

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